307 マスク コンプライアンスと国家と個人の正義

1) Maribeth のニューヨーク情報 みんなマスク着用に素直に従っている。
We are slowly getting back to “normal” here in NYC. We have high vaccination rates in the city and most people have been compliant with mask wearing and rapid testing, so fingers crossed we will ease back to pre-Covid times.
How are things where you are?

2) 先人に学ぶ プラトンの国家 Book4
Chris による朗読  ~~~“Then,” said I, “if you call a thing by the same171 name whether it is big or little, is it unlike in the way in which it is called the same or like?”  “Like,” he said.
英文スクリプトはウェブサイト https://nybreeze.info/ をご覧ください。