305 プロセスエコノミーとナラティブ経済学

*話題の本「プロセスエコノミー あなたの物語が価値になる」(尾原和啓著)を取り上げ、Chrisの説明するナラティブ マーケティング(Narrative Marketing)との共通点を考えます。
Episode 10 socially responsible coffee , ethically sourced(倫理的な供給元)
Episode 25 As corporations have jumped on the bandwagon, pride has become like Christmas.( jump on the bandwagon 時流に乗る、はやりに乗る)  And now all of a sudden every politician and company wants to rally behind it. ( rally behind ~ ~を一致して支持する)

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304 リベラルアーツ 先人に学ぶ Part 1 プラトンの洞窟の比喩

プラトンの国家 第7巻 前半の「洞窟の比喩」 後半の魂を太陽の光へと転向させるのに効力を持つ学科 についてみていきます。
*国家 第7巻は ソクラテスとプラトンの兄グラウコンとの対話
*洞窟の比喩 教育の目標は視界を一変させること。正しい方向に向けさせること。—-
*魂を太陽の光へと転向させるのに効力を持つ学科は――the five mathematical disciplines――― arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy, and harmonics

Today’s episode is all about ” learning from ancient wisdom“ In Part 1 we’ll cover The Republic by Plato .

Book VII: The Allegory of the Cave
In Book VII, Plato presents the most beautiful and famous metaphor in Western philosophy: the allegory of the cave. This metaphor is meant to illustrate the effects of education on the human soul.

Book VII summary 1-7
The sun represents the Form of the Good, and the person who used to be a prisoner has reached the stage of understanding. Plato shows us the goal of education is to drag everyone as far out of the cave as possible. Education should not aim at putting knowledge into the soul, but at turning the soul toward right desires. Continuing the analogy between mind and sight, Plato explains that the vision of a clever, wicked man might be just as sharp as that of a philosopher. The problem lies in what he turns his sharp vision toward.

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